- Surveys are targeted at specific populations. You will
notice on our site, there is a list of Profile Surveys. These are
different from regular surveys in that they are not intended to provide
any feedback to companies/surveyers. Instead, they contain
prequalification questions that, when answered, determine which
population you fall in. For example, a question might ask whether
you're married or how many children you have. This would determine
whether you're qualified for surveys that are targeted to married people
with children.
At the beginning of a regular survey that offers a payout, the
survey will attempt to determine whether you fall within its targeted
population. If you haven't already answered the qualification questions
associated with the survey by completing a Profile Survey, then you
will be asked those prequalification questions up front. After
responding to those prequalification questions, the site may inform you
that you are not qualified for that particular survey.
The best way to avoid the situation when you are rejected is to
fill in all the profile surveys available on your dashboard. The more we
know about you, the closer match of surveys we can propose you on your
dashboard or invite you to via email. Stay tuned to the email
invitations from RealSurveysThatPay.com since they are your personalized invites based on the profiles you filled out on the site.
- In addition to dashboard surveys, we also pay our users for
taking daily surveys and offers. Many of them also have their own qualification
questions. We know those aren't the most exciting part of surveys, but
they take just a couple minutes and if you qualify, you get to
participate in real research and get paid for your opinion.